The Mid-Atlantic Association of IB World Schools is pleased to offer the 2024 Subject Bootcamp in two versions: in-person on Sept. 14, and virtual on Sept. 28, 2024.
The IBMA bootcamp does not replace or count for official IB training, but is designed to provide teachers new to your building or subject an overview of the nuts and bolts or learning/teaching, IB philosophies, and organization of their courses. Experienced and recommended facilitators from around the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond will be sharing their expertise in three two-hour sessions.
The IBMA Subject Bootcamp is designed for new teachers and administrators in current IB schools who will not have a chance to attend IB training due to time or monetary constraints.
The Subject Bootcamp would also be appropriate for established IB schools who are considering adding a new subject and would like to hear an overview to see if that subject would best meet their needs. Sessions will be held for a wide range of subjects for all IB Programmes (PYP, MYP, DP, and CP).
To see the long list of subjects to be offered in 2024, click here.
Attached below are the overviews of what to expect in the sessions.
In-Person Bootcamp
Saturday, September 14, 2024 at Robinson Secondary School, Fairfax, VA
Breakfast provided from 8:00-8:30 am
Sessions one and two with coffee break
Staggered one-hour lunch provided from 11:30-1:00
Session three finishes at 2:30 pm
Virtual Bootcamp
Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 8:30-2:30 with a one-hour lunch break
Afternoon/Evening of Friday, Sept. 27: Technology check-in
Saturday, Sept. 28 with planned start time of 8:30 am and five hours of instruction
The Bootcamp does not count towards the requirement for official IB teacher training.
NEW THIS YEAR: Before you register, you will need to know the personal and school email address of each participant. We will be sending communications about the training as well as certificates of attendance upon completion of the sessions to these personal emails.
The cost of the Subject Bootcamp is $150 per person. Registration may be made with a credit card or by check. Registration is open now
For any additional information, contact John Day at