IBMA Spotlight

Belvedere Elementary School

Belvedere Elementary School in Fairfax, County is being honored as the first IBMA ‘Spotlight on an IB school’. Belvedere ES is the first Fairfax County elementary school to be an authorized PYP school. Students are recorded on their homepage talking about what it means to them to be part of an IB school.

This past year, students gained experience in the exhibition by taking part in mini exhibitions. These mini exhibitions occurred at every other grade level with students presenting their mini projects to the next youngest grade. These are just a few examples of how Belvedere Elementary School has set itself apart and why it is being recognized as the first IBMA ‘Spotlight on an IB school’.

Learning Trail Fifth graders created a learning trail that can now be enjoyed by all Belvedere students. Students also took the classroom outside by creating a poetry garden, releasing monarch butterflies and putting on an Eco Night just to name a few.


Brian Bassett, DP Coordinator, Gar-Field High School

Brian Bassett, DP Coordinator at Gar-Field High School in Woodbridge, Virginia is being recognized as the first IBMA ‘Spotlight on a Coordinator’. Brian has organized book drives, driven to people’s houses to collect and categorize books, and helped organize a fund-raising campaign to help fund the construction of a library in Asuodei, Ghana. In June, 2017, Brian traveled to the region and helped build the library from the ground with the help of the local community. Brian has clearly gone above and beyond his normal coordinator duties to be recognized as the first IBMA Spotlight on a Coordinator. Congratulations Brian!


Brian and children Brian Bassett, pictured with children who will benefit from the library in Asuodei, Ghana.
The completed library after 17 days of construction and months of planning and coordination. Library