
IBMA Student Excellence Awards: 2017
An IBMA Student Excellence Award in the amount of $500.00 was granted to at least one student enrolled in each level of the IB continuum (CP, DP, MYP, PYP), provided that the IBMA Student Excellence Award Committee determined that there was at least one applicant per program level who qualified for the award. The application and Student Excellence Award guidelines are here. The winners for 2017 are:
Career Programme: Oumoul Ba, Watkins Mill High School (Lisa Ingram, CP Coordinator)
Oumoul Ba is an CP student at Watkins Mill High School. She is a Girl Scout, a member of the Science National Honor Society, and a nursing home volunteer. As a service project, Oumoul participated in her school’s Heath Fair and took the blood pressures of students at the fair. She was able to directly contribute to health education and positively impact the lives of her fellow students. For her Learner Profile submission, Oumoul submitted a narrative essay outlining an attribute that she most exhibits and one that she would like to strengthen.
Diploma Programme - Amara Kamal, Old Mill High School (Michael Foxman, DP Coordinator)
Amara Kumal is a DP student at Old Mill High School. She is active in the Art National Honor Society and the Interfaith Society, and she volunteers regularly at the Glen Burnie Regional Library. To serve her community, Amara organized and helped to run an online art auction that raised over $1,700 for the Water Project, an organization that provides clean water to those in need. The money that Amara’s art auction raised helped to support the digging of a well in Sierra Leone. This well has provided clean water for over 500 people on Kamara Taylor Street, and Amara and her classmates helped to make this possible. For her Learner Profile submission, Amara wrote a narrative essay outlining the Learner Profile attribute that she best reflects and the one attribute that she would like to strengthen.
Middle Years Programme: Momona Hadish, DC International School (Dean Harris, MYP Coordinator)
Momona Hadish is a MYP student at District of Columbia International School. She is a member of the Model United Nations, the Equality Matters group, and is active in her school’s Student Government Club. Momona participated in a community service project that raised money through a bake sale to purchase school supplies for an 8th grade girl in Ethiopia who needed these items to be successful in school. This project inspired Momona to start her own organization called “I Have a Sister.” This organization continues to provide school uniforms and supplies for those in need. For her Learner Profile Submission, Momona submitted a narrative essay outlining an attribute that she possesses and the attribute that she would most like to strengthen.
Primary Years Programme: Isaac Lin, Washington Yu Ying Public Charter School (Amy Quinn, PYP Coordinator)
Isaac Lin is a PYP student at Washington Yu Ying. He was a participant in the DC Citywide Spelling Bee, he is a member of the Washington Yu Ying Wellness Committee, and he is a member of the Yu Ying Dragons Soccer Team. Isaac served his community by helping to organize a community clothing swap that provided clothes for those in need. He realized that “by giving a lot, you can get a lot back.” For his Learner Profile submission, Isaac wrote a poem about the Learner Profile attributes.