IBMA Student Excellence Awards: 2015
From left to right: Shannon Meehan,Matthew Vozar, Kerri Lancaster (Award chairperson), Priscilla Biddle, Jillian Stuckey, Janet Parker, and Caroline Bauer
An IBMA Student Excellence Award in the amount of $500.00 was granted to one student enrolled in each level of the IB continuum (CP, DP, MYP, PYP), provided that the IBMA Student Excellence Award Committee determines that there is at least one applicant per program level who qualifies for the award. The application and Student Excellence Award guidelines are here. The winners for 2015 are:
Career Programme: Shannon Meehan, South Lakes High School (Susan Brownsword, IB Coordinator)
Diploma Programme - Jillian Stuckey, Henrico HS (Priscilla Biddle, IB Coordinator)
Middle Years Programme: Matthew Vozar, Henrico HS (Priscilla Biddle, IB Coordinator)
Primary Years Programme: Caroline Bauer, James River Elementary (Janet Parker, IB Coordinator)